File #1625: "Chamberlain, Maria_1849_Journal.pdf"

Chamberlain, Maria_1849_Journal.pdf


*~lJJi-::.~()nJ1 L.:r:; CllCi'ie:; precdc tlis c;ecti(lIl • •
j ()t'i;~St E,;7 dllJ COliCC:l'ilS Lel!i ChtL<lll:rLl;:I'S L,s






P. Chamberlain journal - unbound.

Gift of David Forbes, 1987

Sabbath Jan 14 1848(1849)
r'lr C appears a~ ittle better to day rested better. though he did
not sleep much coughed much and raised mucous matter copiously

tlr Dimond watch-

ed "'/ith him till 1 o'clock I then got up and laid down on a separate couch till
The Dr called about noon spoke some \-Jords of encouragenent in r"efference(l)
to r'1r CiS case.

He said it II/ould be a great honour to be raised up from the

very brink of the grave, to be employed in doing something more for God, but he
did not expect it

He felt that he had entered the dark valley and he longed to

lay his head on Jesus breast; and like an infant in the arms of its mother sweetly breathe his life out there
lie said I knolt' my heart

It is deceitful above all things and desparately

It is very calm and placid and peaceful now, but oh. what deadful(l)

exercises I have had.

How it has raged and roared and and(L) foamed, take the

tempestuous ocean or like the destructive tor(!)

Oh gracious Saviour. deliver

me from the power of sin, "lash me in thy blood and save I:ly inmortal spirit
Sab night Maria Jane slept on the couch in her father's room till 12 a clock
then I came down and gave rlr C his medicine and releived(l) her
1·10nday 15

tk C had a poor day --


Richards took tea at ilrs Turrell's

Bishop accompanied her and her daughters home
Feby 2

t1rs Green call ed I'li th 11r


f'lr Cooke came

Damon -- tlr C ...Ias very happy to see her

Conversed with her on the faithfulness of God in converting his t\I/O sons are in
(1) the U S

Said it was in answer to prayer

Said he had done all that \-Jas in

hi s power for those dear sons that he vias brought into a state of mi nd to 1 eave
them in God's hands and take him at hi s \'lord that he would convert them
Hr D said if you linger with us you may hear more good news, He remarked
j'ly soul bounds for irrrnortality
Sat night Feb 3

I came down at 12 o'clock


pleasant dreams. Deep, deeper than the grave.

was restless said he had had unHis back VJas I'leary and I rubbed

His 1 imbs were numb and cold, and I lomied(!) them, he refused to let me get

hot water, He said, Slow death is creeping through my veins chilling all the
fountains of 1 ire.

How Hill he strike the fatal blow?

0 God, my my most merci-

ful Saviour. deliver me from the fear of this King of Terrors.
fect love, which casteth out fear.

Give me that per-

Cleanse I:le from guilt \'/ash me in thy blood

and give me an abundant entrance into thine everlasting kingdom.
Holy Spirit into thy hands I cor.mlit my soul.
Now dear wife be dOltm and try to get some rest

Father son and

2/ (1849)

Sabbath Feb 4
to hir.1

I read several chapters in the New Testamen(!) and of the Psalms

I read the hymn

~Jhen lan~JOr{?)

and disease invade

He requested me to

read it the second time and he repeated it after me Said it express{!) his feelSaid it \\las finished(?) and most beautiful hymn that it never ap-

ing exactly.

pea red so sweet to him before
After a distressed turn of coughing a cloud passed over his mind
impatience, a black enemy is concealed a\vay back in my heart
left to dishonor God

He said

I fear I shall be

I fear I shall \'Jeary out your patience my dear wife and

that I shall tire out all my friends.

I said I am not \veary yet and I have not

a doubt that God will give me all the strength and patience I need

He replied

That is a kind word and I know you \vill pray to God to help me in the last trying hour.

He then \'Jept and prayed most earnestly that God v/Ould not forsake

him that he \'Jould enable him to say in truth Thy \,/ill be done
not required much attention from your friends.
that I can by your nurse nyself.

I said you have

I am thankful that I am well and

He commenced praying again and said I thank

God for giving me a kind wife and for her a patient cheerful spirit.
not troubl (!) and \'Jear out the patience of all my kind friends
pangs of death take a\'/ay its sting

0 let me

tlitigate the

Let me gently down into the grave

Be better

to me than my fears.


rtr C. rode out in the horse carriage a short distance

Returned much

wearied and said he thought he should not attempt it again -- It was a labour instead of relief
Sabbath June 17

I attended the morning native service -- Hhen I returned l1r

C \'/as lonely and depressed in spirits.
portion of Scripture.

Asked me to come and read some comforting

I read the XVI of St John.

He said he felt desolate


felt that he must soon part \vith his friends on earth and go alone into eternity
and oh what is it what shall I see and know when the curtain drops.

he asked me

to forgive him for every thing in which he had ever grieved me and requested me
to pray for the presence of the Comforter
Tuesday June 19 t1r C tho feeble \'Jished to go up to the Depository

He said

when he put on his hat that he thought it \vould be his last visit -- He made a
short call


Castle very kindly carried him up and down the stairs and insisted

on carrying him home, but on the way tk CiS feet were entanf)ledin a string and
(I \

l .

the both feel(!)

I was greatly alarmed, but Providentially he was preserved from

Hednesday 20 11r C complained of feeting(!) some pain in his shoulder and
hip in


of the from the fall

3/ (1849)


Hr C was very much oppressed for breath (the "leather bei n9 very

close had to use a fan and keep the windows and doors open
that his hour was near

He VJaS apprehensive

He gave me his blessing thanked me for all my attentions

and said the Lord bless our dear, dear children and succeed all your efforts in
training them up in the right way

I feel r.Jore for you all than I can express

The Lord be \-/ith you and provide for all your ",rants.

Saturday June 30

C coughed hard and roused discolored matter

Had a very

uncomfortable day
Sab July 1

Corrununion at the native church

I did not attend f'lr C felt

poorly was not able to read any.,
flonday July 2 i'1r C raised blood.

I gave him 10 drops of digitalus

I feel the need of a physician to consul with

He is

I took care of him dur-

i ng the night
Tuesday 2(1) 1'1r C rested better than I feared

This morning his expectoration

is lighter colorad
Hednesday 4

f1r C desired me to read the XX III Psalra & the 11 Chap of He-

Gave me his blessing said oh hml he dreaded the dying struggle

future safety of his soul he had no concern he could

He was a 1 ittle more comfortable

and inquired tenderly the cause
was fa i1 i ng.


As to the

it to God

He noticed that I felt depressed

I could not conceal from him my fears that he

He said I corrunend you to God that is all I can do

The US Ship of liar Ohio arrived yesterday

He are acquainted "/ith Capt S

and are anxious to have a call from the surgeon of the ship
Friday 6 i1r C has had a diarrhea and acute pain in the bowels.
very ill to day.

He gave me some advice about some temporal matters and then

said The Lord bless you and direct you
all I can desire.


He can do for you and our dear children

Clark called and spent an hour -- I slept in his room


Gave him 25 drops of lilUldamir.l

He has been

.. and tl'!O small powders of morphine.

f·1r C rested better than I feared has been more free from pain to

Capt Stribbling and his Surgeon called at four P.M.

Husband enjoyed the

call very much and seemed to forget his indisposition in the pleasure of meeting
an old friend

He gave the Dr a brief some account of his complaint from early

youth to the present t ir,le and sumed it up by sayi n9 to tell all a bout hi sill
heal th I"ould rnake a long story and he felt that he \-laS fill ing up hi s few remaining days of life.
The Dr considers him in the last stages of the disease and expressed to me
his regret that he could afford no relief.

L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Promised to call again


Sat eve Mrs Clark Mrs Dominis and Mrs Pierce called -Sabbath day July 8
all the forenoon

Communion of the r·lission church

:lr C


vp.ry comfortable

At 3 P.;I. he was taken with pain in the bov/els, yet vtished me

to attend the service I gave him 26 drops of laudanum and a morphine



went out to hear the sermon

Just as it was closed I was informed that he had been

rasing(1) blood and returned

The opiate hO\,/ever began to take effect and he be-

came comfortable -- This morning at \'IOrship we sang the hymn SV/eet is thy work
my God ;,ly King

Hhen I came into his room he said that was a sweet hymn and the

children sang it very prettyly(!)

Sweet is the day of sacred rest and s\'/eet Hill

be the work of pra ising God forever
After the children had all gone to Chapel he requested me to read the I IX

(l) Psalm that s\'/eet psalm so full of goodness and truth
half of it, he said oh that my mind


Hhen I had read the

filled with the precious v/ord of God

his judgments his precepts his law his commandments

Oh that I may relish them

as I do the choicest food as I relish the Sardines which Mrs. sent meO)
Tuesday 10



called to see Hr C He v/ere very glad to see him


expects to spend a fortnight at Honolulu
Wed 11

Dr Barraluno(?) called and spent an hour

I found that he was from

Philadelphia & that we had some common acquaintances there

He recommends the

free use of morphine


C had numerous calls

cough;,-and expectorates much diarrhea under

Friday 13

nr and i-Irs Clark have most kindly sympathised(!) in fIr CiS protracted


She having a desire to visit 11r Emersons family whose son has a desease

(1) of the heart and is failing left for Waialua
Saturday 14

Mrs Thurston call'd in to see Mr C and expressed her satisfaction

to find him so comfortable

He repl ied you see me nO\ll on the top most surge,

just where the billows are about to break

t10nday July 23

Na ai(l) calld(!) about nine this A.II. to carry my husband up

When he took him up in his arms h/hich he did \·Jith as much ease as he

would a little child) he told him that this VJould be his last visit.
not been up stairs since the 1st of Jan.

He made a short call in MA's and l'lJ ' s

rooms and then passed on to his business room.
once more beside my desk.

He has

Ilo\o,J said he let me sit down

After making some remarks about several things \'Ihich

he noticed. he bovv'ed down his head and prayed 0 l.ord remember me in thy mercy.



5/ (1849)

Help me to resign up every thing on earth into thy hands.

0 prepare me for my

departure from time in to eterniy(l) give me an easy and peaceful dismission
B1 ess my dear wife and be her stay and support

B1 ess my fami ly and provide for

Bless my successors and help us all to glority thy name for Christ

He asked me to read the Saviour's last prayer and said!I long for

Friday July 13(1 )(appears on a separate page)
near my eternal home(!).

As my grasp on earthly friends and attatchments(l) is

I I"ant to become famil iar with Heaven

not far from me \'/hen trouble is near.
VIII Psalm

He repeated the second verse after me several times and said read
This vias

~1r ~Jhitney's

0 tilat the Lord \'Jould be \-lith me in the last struggle.

reach down his hand and ("lord crossed out) me.

Dear God, dear Saviour, be

He then requested me to read a part of the

this again to me when you see me depressed.

i1r C remarked,me my friends think


0 that he II/auld

I want something to take hold

I repeated the beautiful verse of Dr Watts

o if

my Lord \'/ould come and meet,
ily soul would stretch her ",ings in haste

Fly fearless through death's iron gate
Nor feel the terror as she passed.
He said that is just what I \,/ant.

I seem to forget that there any thing(!)

written \-,hich so exactly expresses my feel ings.

I love Or Watts.

Though dead

he yet speaketh
I then turned to the 17 hymn of the same author beginning \I/ith the third verse
What sinners value I resign

The fourth verse he repeated twice, and made an attempt

to sing it -- the last line of the stanza he adopted as his m-Jn and frequently exclaimed when shall I wake and find me there.
The evening of the same day he said I have had many fears

Gest I should be

left to dishonor God in the distressing hour but now I begin to hope that he
will be better to me than my fears and that at even(!) time it shall be light
